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Where your health is concerned why choose less? Call 01889 807060

Sea Buckthorn Oil Omega 7 x 90 caps

£ 23.59 each

Sea Buckthorn Oil is a rich source of the monounsaturated omega 7 fatty acids. It has antioxidant vulnerary (healing) and inflammatory properties.


It is indicated in cases of atopic dermatitis, dry eye syndrome and burns, nourishing the skin to aid with the healing of wounds and ulcers and support the lubrication of delicate skin membranes. Sea Buckthorn is commonly used to reduce vaginal skin cells atrophy in post-menopausal women.

  • A rich source of the monounsaturated omega 7 fatty acids
  • A natural source of tocopherols, tocotrinols and carotenoids.

Shop Address

21 Market Square


WS15 2BJ

01889 807060

Opening Times

Monday - Saturday

9am - 5pm

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